Necessary abilities of an mp3 downloader website to look for

If you are searching for a site to download song mp3 (download lagu mp3), you will get bombarded with thousands of sites and apps. However, you should choose one according to the availability of the following necessary abilities.
More songs
Some websites will operate under the name of an mp3 site but will contain only a negligible number of songs. You should choose the one with more songs.
Various formats
Although the majority of the song apps would offer audio files in the mp3 format, you may not know the presence of other formats of audio files. You may find apps that are offering other formats like mp4, m4A, FLAC, and several others. As the size requirements and quality of the audio files of every format would differ accordingly, you can choose anything suitable for you.
Out-of-app downloads
There are two types of mp3 downloads available out there namely in-app downloading and out-of-app downloading. The former will only allow you to download the songs and store them within the application, while the latter would allow you to store them on your device. It is better to find an app that allows you to download and store on the device as those songs will be available even if you uninstall the application. In-app downloading will make the songs inaccessible if you delete the application.
Different sizes
If you can adjust to low-quality songs also but could not afford large-sized audio files, you can go for apps that offer highly compressed audio files. Those who wish to hear the songs only at high quality can go for apps that offer those types of files. However, most apps would allow you to download from a range of sizes. According to your internet availability and quality requirements, you can go for a specific size. It is better if there are different size options.