Tips to create a strategic reputation management

Your online business presence is now more fragile than before. People now rely on what others say to determine whether they should stick with your brand or not. As Francis Santa says, your online reputations are rein in the hands of your customers. Any mistakes that you make however silly they may be can lead to a very serious crisis. That is why you should always be extra careful when you are dealing with customers and online platforms. When the damage is done, you may feel like there is nothing much you can do but there is. The solution is reputation management. Here is how to come up with a suitable reputation management strategy
Research and auditing
The first important step to take is researching and auditing. For you to come up with a suitable reputation management strategy, you must first by knowing what other people are saying about your brand. Whether you have an online business presence or not, people will always talk about your brand. Therefore, the first important step for you to take is listening to what they are saying then monitoring. It is very important to track conversations about you on social media.
Come up with a response plan
After knowing what other people think and say about your brand, the next important step is coming up with a suitable response plan. You can only take action after having a rough idea of what customers are saying about your brand. While you are coming up with a response plan, it is very important to answer the following questions
• Who is going to monitor the reviews and comments
• Who can decide whether the comments need a response
• Who will respond to the reviews?
Make sure that you have thought about all things carefully before responding to the issue.