Online reputation is everything today because without it, a business is as good as dead according to Francis Santa. This is a sentiment I would like to agree with 100% because it is more than true. Online reputation has a huge influence on a company’s market value and that is why many businesses take it very seriously.
To be a successful online reputation management service provider, a company has to be capable of providing certain factors. In this article, I will be looking at some of the services that online reputation companies provide to their customers.
Search engine optimization and management
The first service that ORM service providers offer is search engine optimization and management. SEO entails several services that are provided individually, but which in unison aim at ensuring that a company’s website ranks highest on search engine results pages. The reason why SEO is important in ORM is to ensure that when customers are searching for a company, they are able to find suitable information relating to it. This way, in case there is any negative information making cycles on the internet, the ORM service provider can counter it using facts and the truth.
Social media monitoring and management
Another service that ORM service providers offer is monitoring social media. It is very important to monitor social media platforms because platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok have the ability to grow a company when used right, but they are also completely capable of bringing companies down. It takes only a single inappropriate picture or comment to damage a company. As such, monitoring social media platforms for negative publicity is very important.
Review acquisition and management
ORM services are also in the business of helping their customer acquire and manage online reviews. This is achieved through the use of tactics that make people to be more open to the idea of writing reviews about companies and the products/services they provide.